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Here it is how to set up a mic

1. How do I set up my microphone for real-time Voice Chat?
The following procedure sets the input levels for AGC (automatic gain control) and sets the outputs to mid-level.

a) Double-click on the speaker graphic on the lower right corner of your PC's task bar.

b) This should bring up a Volume Control panel.

c) There will be a number of volume sliders available, depending on the features of your PC.

The control panel has two or more modes, depending on your version of Windows 95 or 98. You will only be concerned with two modes, Playback and Recording. The control panel defaults to the Playback mode (where you can set output levels) when it is labeled 'Volume Control' and in the Recording mode (when you can set input levels) when it reads 'Recording Control.'

To switch between Playback and Recording modes, choose 'Properties' under the Options menu. You can switch between modes and when you close the dialog box, the mode will change to the selected one.


a) Check that the control panel reads 'Volume Control.' If not, switch it.

b) Make sure 'Mute' is checked on the volume control panel at the bottom of the Microphone volume control. This does not prevent others from hearing you--it prevents your speakers from feeding back into your microphone.

c) Under the 'Options' menu, make sure that the 'Advanced Controls' option is checked. If it is not checked, select it.

d) Move the Microphone Volume bar to its highest setting. Click on 'Advanced.'

e) At the bottom of 'Advanced' make sure that 'AGC for WaveIn' or 'Microphone Boost' is checked. Select 'Close.'


a) Switch to 'Recording Control' using the 'Properties' control under the 'Options' menu.

b) Make sure that 'Microphone' is checked under 'Show the following volume controls'.

c) Close this panel.

d) From the 'Recording' Control panel move the Microphone volume temporarily to the middle and make sure the box underneath it is checked.


a) Inside's software, enter a Chat Lobby and create a test Chat Room such as 'Mic Test'.

b) Position the microphone where you will normally use it, hold your cursor down on the 'Talk' button, and speak at a normal distance from the mic.

c) Observe the simulated VU meter under the 'Talk' button. The VU meter should peak in the yellow area, but never reach the red zone, or your speech will sound distorted or even unintelligible. To make adjustments, open the 'Recording Control' panel and adjust the Volume slider while you are speaking to keep the VU from reaching the red zone.

Thats it on mic

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